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Collect, approve, and distribute purchase orders effortlessly


Customized to fit your unique needs

FormSMART is your comprehensive solution for requisition processing and form management. By collecting forms from standard PDFs or custom web forms, FormSMART simplifies the creation, approval, and distribution. With its customizable forms and seamless integration with accounting systems, FormSMART ensures accuracy and efficiency in procurement processes. Experience the power of FormSMART and transform your requisition workflow today.

How It Works

Meet Rita, an IT Specialist at TechSavvy, Inc.

Using either INBOOKS FormSMART’s fillable PDF option or web form option, Rita is going to open her company’s Purchase Requisition form. She will be easily guided through filling out the approved company purchase requisition form.

Create Purchase Requisition

Step 1

Upon clicking submit on the Purchase Requisition form, her direct superior, Janet, will be notified to review and approve the request. Upon her approval, Jim, the Financial Controller, will receive notification of the approved purchase requisition.

Submit for Approval

Step 2

Jim then uses FormSMART’s split button to automatically create a Purchase Order document based off of the approved information from the Purchase Requisition.

Create Purchase Order

Step 3

Upon submitting the created Purchase Order back into INBOOKS, an unposted purchase order transaction will be created in TechSavvy’s ERP with the associated document linked through INBOOKS BookSMART for easy reference.

Purchase Order Transaction

Step 4

Ensure Accuracy and Efficiency

Here at INFODYNAMICS, we value open dialogue and personal relationships. Want to learn more about our products? Don't hesitate to schedule a demo or reach out to chat!

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